Facts and Figures
•Headquartered in England, ND Pharma & Biotech Company ranks among the most complete supply companies by division numbers, trading references and fields operating. •Science based company and solid foundation, financially stable and family owned, with a sustained growth philosophy. Leadership is relying on the family entrepreneurial members. •Proudly operating in 5 Continents, we continue adding to our existing portfolio of products our internal developments and discoveries as well as the result of our product acquisition and in-licensing strategies. •One of the most innovative companies by number of products and developments launched to the market per year, including brands and technologies that revolutionize certain specific industry processes. •(R+D+i) is a key and strong priority for us, in terms of operations and investment. This way we are creating new and better products every day, with involvement of all operators in the industry and/or field related. •Relations with major producers and multi-billion dollar companies worldwide, from pharmaceuticals sector to health, nutrition, food, medical and veterinary, cosmetics, personal care and special products. We fulfil the requirements and quality standards of the vast majority of industries and companies, no matter size and volume. •Financially stable, with conservative philosophy in the asset management and cost control, price policy and business development. •Partnerships and agreements with major industry operators and first-class companies, leaders in their fields. •Company limited by shares with strong base capital.* |
An Offer of +200.000 Product References.
+750 Basic Product References. +62.000 Refs. inFine Chemicals. +23.000 References inIndustrial Chemicals. +150.000 NCE´s Novel Chemical Entities +80 Brands in Food & Nutrition +21 Refs. of a single-family-brand PreserFoodTM +6 Brands of Agribusiness +23 Brands of Pharmacy and OTC +9 Consumer Brands +15 Lines of Non-controversial Stem Cells |
*Issued 210.000.000 Shares of 1 GBP/Share |